Electrical Branch
Specifications Branch
Cost Estimating Branch
Facilities Support Contracting Branch
2.11.2 Contract Division (OICC FE Code 02). OICC FE personnel are available for
consultation on administrative matters.
2.11.3 Other OICC FE Consultants. Various other technical specialists are available for
consultation at OICC FE. The specialties include the following.
Value Engineering
Energy Conservation
Utilities Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering
The A-E shall evaluate, and report in the Basis of Design, the impact of the project's (increased)
loads on the activity (or station-wide) utilities supply and distribution systems. Particular
attention shall be given to the following:
a. Adequacy of affected portions of the distribution systems to carry the increased load;
b. Adequacy of the base or station service entrance to carry the increased load, in the
case of purchased utilities; and
c. Adequacy of on-station generating plants to carry the increased load.
2.12.1 Should it be necessary to utilize existing underground electrical duct lines, the A-E shall
field check the proposed manholes and duct lines. Availability and size of all conduits proposed
for use in the duct banks shall be verified. The conduits shall be "blown and rodded" by the
A-E to verify that the conduits are usable. Once the preferred utility routing is determined, the
A-E shall submit the proposed duct and conduit assignment plan to the station's Utilities
Department for approval. Approval by the Utilities Department is required prior to submission
of the Preliminary Design Submittal.
The A-E shall not release any information concerning any project to anyone other than
authorized U.S. Navy personnel. The A-E shall not release any information for publication
pertinent to a project under design or construction; make public speeches; or release information
in any other manner without first obtaining clearance and a written release from the OICC FE.