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5.4.3 Water Supply and Distribution. Provide any supporting information and calculations
together with the following.
a. A description of the existing system, including a discussion of the type, capacity,
condition, present water usage and unsatisfactory elements or component parts (with
regard to expanding the supply distribution system).
b. A statement of the type of proposed construction, including materials for water
mains, type of well, as applicable, etc.
c. For distribution systems, calculated domestic consumption, required fire flow,
elevation differentials and resulting residual pressure and the associated supply pipe
d. Size, elevation and capacity of reservoirs, treatment units, pumping plants, well
pumps, etc.
5.4.4 Sanitary Sewer and Sewage Treatment Systems. Provide any supporting information
and calculations together with the following.
a. A description of the existing system, including a discussion of the type, capacity,
condition, present flow and unsatisfactory elements or component parts (with regard
to expanding the sanitary sewer and treatment system.
b. Evaluation of the degree of treatment required by the regulations governing effluent
c. Calculations regarding design flow and sizing of sewer lines and treatment plant
d. A description of the materials to be used for sewer systems and sewage treatment
5.4.5 Roads, Driveways, Parking Areas and Walks. Provide a description of the general soil
conditions, with a brief outline of the soil exploration and testing performed. Or, if no soil
testing was performed, the A-E shall provide an explanation discussing the reasons. Also
provide, as applicable, the type and volume of traffic; the controlling design wheel loads; and
the calculations relating to the thickness of pavements and base courses, horizontal curves,
vertical curves and super-elevation and widening of horizontal curves.
5.4.6 Fencing. Indicate the type, height and justification (criteria reference) for the fencing to
be provided.

Western Governors University

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