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Field investigations are conducted to obtain the field data necessary to properly accomplish the
design services requested under the A-E contract. The A-E shall investigate and evaluate the
adequacy and characteristics of all existing systems including utility systems (water, gas,
electrical, storm and sanitary sewer system, steam, fire alarm, etc.) with respect to interfacing
the project requirements with the existing systems. Verify, by on-site investigation, all pertinent
information of record relative to the existing conditions at the site of construction. Ensure that
all new work will fit into existing spaces without obstruction. Identify all existing underground
obstructions or unusual conditions in the plans and specifications.
Color renderings shall depict the facility in the most advantageous view for clarity (normally a
three-quarter bird's eye view). Color renderings shall have the matted overall dimensions of 27
x 40 inches for major facilities and multiple building projects and 20 x 30 inches for typical
single building projects. The A-E shall mount the rendering under glare reducing acrylic plastic
in a sturdy one inch minimum flat top black metal or wood frame with dimensions of 28 x 41
inches for major facilities and multiple buildings projects and 21 x 31 inches for typical single
building projects. Together with the requested number of renderings, the A-E shall also provide
two 8 x 10 inch black and white photographs; one 4 x 5 inch color negative; one 16 x 20 inch
ektachrome print; and one 2 x 2 inch color slide of the rendering, as appropriately indicated in
the "Scope." Submit a perspective sketch of the proposed rendering to the PDE for approval
before starting work on the final rendering.
NAVFAC Interior Design Program objectives, criteria and philosophy are set forth in DM-14.01
"Interior Design." Additionally PACNAVFACENGCOMINST 11010.12A provides guidance
regarding the preparation of Collateral Equipment "Buy Packages." Prior to the initiation of any
work, discuss with the PDE the schedule of submittals and the details of the procurement
materials to be submitted.
6.6.1 Scope of Work. Interior design services include the following.
a. Evaluating, selecting and specifying interior building colors, finishes and furnishings.
b. Preparing renderings and other visual aid materials that will allow user Activity
personnel to make decisions regarding the proposed interior design concept.
c. Designing or consulting on the design of built-in furniture.
d. Preparing furniture placement plans. The room plans shall be shown on 24 x 36 inch
sheets, utilizing scales not less than 1/8" = 1' - 0". Submit the original or a
reproducible copy with the completed final interior design package.
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