The basic criteria for the preparation of drawings are contained in MIL-HDBK-1006/l, "Policy
and Procedures for Construction Drawings and Specification Preparation."
The concept design drawings shall include all user requirements; and site plans, floor plans,
cross sections and elevations that fully depict the overall concept of the design. Together with
the concept drawings, the A-E shall submit a report describing the design concept and designer's
intent. The concept design shall be presented to the Contracting Officer and must be approved
before the A-E will be authorized to further proceed with the design. In preparing the concept
design, the A-E shall not deviate from the project scope without written authorization by the
Contracting Officer.
The A-E shall submit a concept design which contains the following, as appropriately indicated
in the "Scope."
7.2.1 Site Plan(s). Plans shall show the following:
a. Pertinent bound&es, including footprints of existing buildings/structures on or
adjacent to the project site.
b. Outline of existing buildings and proposed new buildings. The report shall describe
the functional relationship among the identified buildings.
c. Outline of vehicle parking and sidewalks for the project. The report shall discuss
parking access, the number of vehicles that can be accommodated and the anticipated
traffic flow pattern.
d. Existing roads, sidewalks and parking; existing utility lines, including water, sanitary
sewer, storm drain, gas, steam, hot and chilled water, fuel, electric, etc.; and the
points of connection for each utility appropriate to the project.
e. Overall dimensions and dimensions of critical importance which require Government
review and concurrence. The report shall identify the various available alternatives
and provide the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
f. Existing topographic features; identify site elements or factors which will have a
significant cost impact on the project. In the report, identify and describe proposed
site modifications.
g. Trees to be removed; indicate the type and size.
h. North arrow and graphic scales.