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Custom Search Final Specifications. Typed with all Pre-Final (100%) comments incorporated. Government Reviews. The Government will review the overall organization of the
specification as well as the various general and technical sections. The A-E shall modify the
specification in accordance with OICC FE comments or provide reasons for noncompliance.
Comments by Government reviewers will in no way limit or define the A-E's responsibility for
providing a proper specification.
8.1.3 Coordination of Specifications with the Drawings. Thoroughly and completely
coordinate the specifications with the drawings to avoid inconsistencies or ambiguities between
the two. Generally, the drawings shall illustrate the extent, size, shape and generic types of
materials and the relationship between building components/materials. The specifications shall
describe the quality of materials required; the functional installation requirements; and the
method of construction.
The specification is intended to complement, but not reiterate, the drawings. The drawings
allocate the material; the specification states the quality and the methods under which the
material is to be employed.
Drawings shall conform to the requirements of MlL-HDBK-1006/l and, in general, shall show
the following:
a. Location of the project on the site.
b. Architectural and engineering design.
c. Plans, elevations, details and all essential dimensions.
d. The extent of various materials by appropriate symbols.
e. Notes giving the basic design data, assumed loads, allowable stresses.
f. Limits of work.
g. Equipment schedules.
h. Generic identification of equipment and materials.
Specifications shall provide information governing the following:
a. Supplementary contractural requirements.
b. Detailed information not shown on the drawings.
c. Materials and workmanship.
d. Installation requirements.

Western Governors University

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