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The A-E shall coordinate all requests for gate, vehicle and camera passes with. the PDE. The
PDE will forward the pass requests to the cognizant Activity personnel for processing and will
return the endorsed requests to the A-E. The A-E is requested to submit pass requests at least
two (2) weeks before the proposed date of entry to the military installation.
Blank or sample forms for the various military installations in Japan are provided on the
following pages.
For entry to NAF Misawa, the A-E shall submit the name, address, date of birth, telephone
number, and Yokosuka I.D. Card Number of the personnel for which entry is requested. The
A-E shall also indicate the dates and times and the purpose for which entry is requested. The
request shall be submitted on A-E firm letterhead paper.
For entry to Navy and Marine Corps installations on Okinawa, the A-E shall consult with the
PDE regarding gate/vehicle pass procedures.

Western Governors University

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