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SEQUENCE OF OPERATION:  Where total room and/or underfloor
flooding systems are automatically actuated by cross-zoned smoke detectors,
the sequence shall be as follows (NOTE:  Total room flooding systems are not
permitted without written approval of PACNAVFACENGCOM Code 408):
a. Upon actuation of the first detector (pre-alarm model):
(1) A pre-discharge alarm (distinct from building general
alarm) shall sound in the protected area.
(2) An alarm signal shall be transmitted to the Fire
Department unless otherwise authorized by PACNAVFACENGCOM
Code 408.
Upon actuation of the second detector (discharge mode):
(1) Air handling equipment serving the protected area(s)
shall shut down.
(2) All door closets and any required dampers to the
protected area shall close.
(3) A red revolving light in the protected area must activate
(not required if only underfloor flooding is being
(4) A general building alarm shall sound.
(5) A time delay relay (set at a minimum 20 seconds) shall
start, at the end of the time delay the following shall
(a) Discharge will occur in the protected area or
zone where the alarm was initiated.
(b) Technical power in the affected area of zone shall
shut down.
Note:  Designer must consider if the particular technical
equipment requires a phased shutdown.
(c) A visual indicator (i.e., sign with lit face
or flashing light above) outside the entrances
to the area of zone must activate, indicating
that re-entry is prohibited (not required of
only underfloor flooding is provided).

Western Governors University

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