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GENERA?., INFORMATION:  Details on safeguarding against the hazards of
duct systems are given in the National Fire Protection Association
Standard No. 90A, Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating
Systems of Other Than Residence Type and is intended to prescribe
reasonable provisions based on minimum requirements for safety to life
and property from fire.
CRITERIA:  All air conditioning systems shall be designed to satisfy-
the provisions of NFPA Standard No. 90A, latest edition. The
PACNAVFACENGCOM Fire Protection Engineer will determine the necessary
fire protection requirements such as smoke detection systems, installed
fire extinguishing equipment, etc.  In new construction, corridors are
not permitted to be used for return air unless the requirements of NFPA
Standard No. 90A are fully complied with. Special protection, as
determined by the PACNAVFACENGCOM Fire Protection Engineer will be
required where circumstances dictate the use of corridors for return
air handling in existing structures.
1.  All flexible connectors, linings, coverings, insulations, vapor
barriers, and adhesives associated with duct work, equipment, etc.,
shall have an Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. flame spread rating not
over 25 and a smoke development rating not higher than 50 (in special
cases, the PACNAVFACENGCOM Fire Protection Engineer may require flame
spread and smoke development ratings of a lesser degree).  *See Note.
2.  Manual emergency stops located at conveniently accessible
locations shall be provided for quick shutting down of fans in the
event of fire.  In addition, necessary devices and connections shall be
installed as required by the PACNAVFACENGCOM Fire Protection Engineer
to automatically shut down fans upon actuation of fire protection
equipment such as automatic sprinklers, manual or automatic fire alarm
systems or smoke detectors.  In some cases, smoke removal may be of
prime importance such as in windowless structures. Where required, as
determined by the PACNAVFACENGCOM Fire Protection Engineer, controls
will be provided to arrange air conditioning for smoke removal by 100%
exhaust of return air or other suitable means.
3.  Air filters shall be of the approved types qualifying as Class
1 or 2 as defined in NFPA Standard 90A and as listed by Underwriters'
Laboratories, Inc., or Factory Mutual approved.  High efficiency filter
units for clean rooms, etc., shall be listed by Underwriters'
Laboratories, Inc. *See Note.

Western Governors University

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