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F i r e w a l l s (1-hr and 2-hr rated walls only):
(1) Two layers of 15 mm of Japanese gypsum board, conforming
to JIS A 6913-81 on each side of wood or metal studs is acceptable
f o r one-hour fire resistance rating requirements.
(2) Two layers of 21 mm of Japanese gypsum board, conforming
to JIS A 6913-81 on each side of wood or metal studs is acceptable
f o r 2 hour of fire resistance rating requirements.
d.  F i r e d o o r s :  Japanese manufactured, "KOHSHU" or "OTSUSHU
BOHKA DO" doors and tested in accordance with JIS 1311-75 with metal
frames is acceptable in place of 45 min thru 90 min UL labeled fire
doors and frames.  T h e size of fire rated vision panels in these
f i r e doors shall not exceed the requirements of N.F.P.A 80.
4.  A c t i o n :  Guidance provided above and in reference (b) are to be
u s e d for all construction, a l t e r a t i o n a n d r e p a i r p r o j e c t s .
E n c l o s u r e s (1) and (2) shall be used in preparation of specification
f o r wet pipe sprinkler system (section 15330) and fire alarm system
( s e c t i o n 16722) for projects requiring such fire protection
E n c l o s u r e (3) is a checklist to aid designers in
c o n s i d e r i n g the fire protection features or systems which may be
r e q u i r e d for each project.
5.  P o i n t of Contact:  P o i n t o f c o n t a c t f o r F i r e P r o t e c t i o n
Engineering guidance is Mr. Dinesh K. Pate1 (Code 40OF) telephone
(AV) 234-5101, or commercial 0468-26-1911, extension 5101. Our
twenty four hour FAX system may be reached by (AV) 234-7098, or
commercial 0468-26-1911, extension 7098.
L i s t s II and IV
c o p y to:

Western Governors University

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