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and review of a qualified fire protection engineer. A qualified fire
protection engineer shall be an integral part of the design team, and shall be
involved in every aspect of the design as it relates to fire protection. This
includes, but is not limited to, building code analysis, life safety code
analysis, design of automatic detection and suppression systems, water supply
analysis, and a multi-discipline review of the entire project. For the
purposes of meeting this requirement, a qualified fire protection engineer is
defined as an individual meeting one of the following conditions:
a) An engineer having a Bachelor of Science or Masters of Science
Degree in Fire Protection Engineering from an accredited university
engineering program, plus a minimum of 2 years' work experience in fire
protection engineering.
A registered professional engineer (P.E.) in fire protection
c) A registered PE in a related engineering discipline and member
grade status in the National Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
d) An engineer with a minimum of 10 years' experience in fire
protection engineering and member grade status in the National Society of Fire
Protection Engineers.
e) A registered architect (R.A.) with member grade status in the
National Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Services of the R.A. shall be
limited to building code applications and the life safety code analysis.
Fire Protection During Construction. Contract specifications shall
reference the Army Corps of Engineering Manual (EM), EM 385-1-1, Safety and
Health Requirements Manual, and NFPA 241, Safeguarding Construction,
Alteration, and Demolition Operations, and shall contain the requirement that
the activity's fire regulations be followed.
Combustible Material. Combustible material is material which cannot
be classified as noncombustible in accordance with that definition.
Fire Resistance Rating. Fire resistance rating is the time that the
construction will withstand the standard fire exposure as determined by the
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), ASTM E119, Fire Tests of
Building Construction and Materials.
Flame-Spread Rating. Flame-spread rating is a numerical
classification determined by ASTM E84, Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials, which indexes the relative burning behavior of a material
by quantifying the spread of flame in a test specimen. The flame-spread
rating of the material is not a measure of its fire resistance.