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with complete automatic sprinkler protection.
For type of construction, see
par. 2.1.3.
Automatic Sprinkler Protection.  Complete automatic sprinkler
protection shall be provided for buildings which include personnel housing and
lodging.  NFPA 13 or NFPA 13R, Installation of Sprinkler Systems in
Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, sprinkler
systems are permitted when listed for the specific use.
Note 1:
For Army projects, hotel-style buildings without individual
cooking facilities which are less than four stories in height
and where sleeping rooms and suites have a door that opens
directly to the outside at street or ground level or to
exterior exit access arranged in accordance with NFPA 101, do
not require sprinkler protection.
Note 2:
For Air Force projects, hotel-style housing quarters which are
less than three stories in height and where sleeping rooms and
suites have a door that opens directly to the outside at street
or ground level or to exterior exit access arranged in
accordance with NFPA 101, do not require sprinkler protection.
Range Top Cooking Surfaces.  Personnel housing and similar lodging
facilities with individual range top cooking surfaces shall have automatic
sprinkler protection throughout the building.  Common Areas.  Range top cooking surfaces located only in common
areas (i.e., not in individual units) may be protected with an approved range
top extinguishing system installed in accordance with NFPA 96.  Such systems
shall be connected to the building fire alarm system to sound a general
building fire alarm.
Storage Areas, Shops, and Laundry Areas.  Storage areas, shops,
laundry areas, and other hazardous areas shall be protected as required by
NFPA 101.  In many cases, this will require both automatic sprinklers and fire
rated construction.  Where these areas are required to be sprinklered in
buildings without complete automatic sprinkler protection, connection to
domestic plumbing shall be permitted in accordance with NFPA 13.  Where these
areas are not protected by automatic sprinklers, provide automatic heat
detectors connected to the building fire alarm system.
Family Housing.
This section includes one-family, two-family, and
multi-family dwellings.
Family Housing Detection.  Family housing shall conform to NFPA 101.
Provide hard-wired smoke detectors in accordance with NFPA 72.
Smoke detectors are not required in individual sleeping
rooms where residential sprinklers are installed.

Western Governors University

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