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Quantities of Water Required.  Requirements for fire protection
water storage are based on the assumption that there will be only one fire at
a time.  The quantity of water required is equal to the product of the fire
protection water demand and the required duration.  This quantity represents
fire protection requirements only, and shall be available at all times.  Water
supply for domestic, industrial, and other demands shall be added to these
requirements to determine the total amount of water that is necessary at a
facility.  If the public water system supplying a facility is reliable,
provides a minimum of two connections, each providing at least 50 percent of
the required capacity, has adequate capacity and pressure to meet water
requirements, and continuous reserve storage capacity at least equal to the
required fire protection water storage, then no separate water storage
facility is required.
Total Storage Capacity.  The total stored supply for fire protection
purposes shall be sufficient to meet the maximum required fire flow demand for
the duration specified.
Reduction in Storage Capacity.  In computing the fire protection
storage requirement, a reduction in storage capacity is acceptable if an
adequate replenishment source is available.  Factors that must be evaluated
include the reliability of the makeup facility, its sustained flow capacity,
its method of operation (automatic or manual), and flow limitations imposed by
the capacity of treatment operations.
Replenishment of Storage.  The water storage shall be self-
replenishing.  It shall reach required volume during normal consumption within
48 hours, and with 24 hours curtailing normal consumption.
Sources of Water Supply
Primary Water Supplies.  Primary water supplies shall consist of one
or a combination of the following:
a)  Two connections to a public water system (one connection is
ample for a small activity, such as a Reserve Training Facility).
Elevated tanks or reservoirs.
Multiple pumps with adequate suction supply.
Secondary Water Supplies.  Where public water supply is inadequate
or unreliable, a secondary supply is required.  Secondary supply shall be by
gravity tank, pressure tank, booster pumps taking suction from adequate
capacity main(s), or fire pumps taking suction from adequate source(s).
Fire Pumps
Pumps for fire protection shall have adequate

Western Governors University

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