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within 150 feet (45.72 m) of fire department connections.
b)  Hydrants protecting warehouses shall be spaced a maximum of 400
feet (120 m) apart.
c)  Hydrants protecting aircraft hangars shall be located at 300
foot (90 m) maximum intervals, and there shall be at least one hydrant at each
corner of the hangar.
d)  Hydrants protecting POL storage and distribution facilities
shall be spaced at 300 foot (91.44 m) maximum intervals.
e)  Hydrants protecting aircraft parking and servicing aprons shall
be spaced at 300 foot (91.44 m) maximum intervals along one side.
Hydrant Protection.  Hydrants located adjacent to parking areas or
other vehicle traffic areas shall be protected by bollards.
Pressure-Regulating Valves (PRVs).  PRVs are restricted in use on
fire protection water systems by NFPA 24.  Where essential, PRVs shall be
installed on individual services rather than on the main piping.  Where PRVs
are provided in mains supplying systems or portions of systems with fire
hydrants, automatic sprinkler systems, or other installed fire protection, the
following features shall be provided to safeguard against failures and to
facilitate maintenance:
Control valves on each side of the PRVs.
Bypasses around PRVs.

Western Governors University

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