Custom Search
1 MAR 1989
(6) Provide updated project BOD date6 to PACNAVFACENGCOM (Code 09A2A2)
prior to procurement. During the procurement phase, advise CBC Port Hueneme,
info PACNAVFACENGCOM (Code 09A2A2) of updated BODs. Any detention, storage or
additional handling charges will be paid by the activity.
(7) Obtain required approvals from proper authority as required by
current instructions. Examples include: filing cabinets, audio-visual
equipment, and industrial plant equipment.
Any damaged equipment will be
(8) Inspect and receive material.
handled as follows:
(a) If the box or crating of the equipment is received in damaged
condition, submit a Report of Discrepancy (ROD) to the local Naval Supply
Center for resolution.
(b) If the shipping box is in good condition and the equipment is
damaged or defective, the activity must take action to repair or replace the
item. CBC Port Hueneme or the procuring agency is not funded to provide
replacement items due to damage. However, if it appears the item is defective
( e . g . , missing parts, does not align properly when assembled, etc.) then
coordinate resolution with the vendor through the procuring agency. Provide
documentation describing the problem and include pictures.
(1) Review and approve budget and buy lists.
(2) Budget funds in appropriate fiscal year.
(3) Approve items for procurement and provide funds. In general,
equipment that is available from Government schedules will be procured by CBC
Port Hueneme. Activity purchases will include installation contracts and
locally available equipment.
(4) Disseminate information to assist the activities in the budgeting
and procurement process.
(5) Provide on-site assistance on collateral equipment Patters, review
existing equipment usage and inspect completed facilities.
Vice Commander
Distribution: (See page 5)