been covered in the specification, and that all requirements to
accomplish the work are covered in detail on the drawings or
d e s c r i b e d in the specifications. Conversely, those preparing the
drawings should review the specifications to assure complete
Q u i t e often a simple detail, section, or note on the
drawings makes it possible to eliminate lengthy, descriptive
material from the specification and at the same time clarify the
d e s i g n e r ' s intent. Conflicts or duplications between drawings and
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s must be eliminated. The terminology used in
specifications and drawings must be identical.
2 . 2 . 1 A major source of confusion and poor quality specifications
is the lack of coordination between the A-E and his consultants.
These consultants frequently do not seem to "get the word." Often,
they claim an unawareness of the instruction given the A-E and are
found to be using obsolete guidance. The A-E shall ensure that all
o f his consultants are thoroughly familiar with the latest guidance.
2 . 3 Proprietary Specifications: (FAR 10.002 and 36.202)
P r o p r i e t a r y or restrictive requirements shall not be used unless it
i s established conclusively that no substitute will serve the
purpose. Specifications shall be written to permit bidding by any
supplier whose equipment provides the functional, technical, and
p h y s i c a l requirements of the project. Proprietary requirements
shall not be included in specifications without PACNAVFACENGCOM
L e v e l I Contracting Officer approval. The Project Design Engineer
(PDE) and the Contracting Officer for the construction project shall
be notified and a copy of the approval document furnished for their
use. I f a proprietary item is authorized, the specification must
s t a t e : "Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract. no
o t h e r product will be acceptable.'
2 . 3 . 1 Qualified Products. (PAR 9.2) The limitations pertaining
t o proprietary specifications do not apply to items on a qualified
p r o d u c t s list. However, such lists must be established and used in
strict accordance with FAR 9.2 provisions.
2 . 3 . 2 The A-E shall submit the following information, in writing.
to the Project Design Engineer (PDE), for authority to include
p r o p r i e t a r y specifications in a construction contract.
Manufacturer, model number. address of manufacturer, cost.
o f the proprietary item, each, a n d total in the-project.
T o t a l cost of the project.
J u s t i f i c a t i o n for the proprietary item:
( 1 ) Cite the salient characteristics required.
( 2 ) Cite laws, regulations, or Navy instructions requiring
t h e necessary salient characteristics.
( 3 ) Cite reasons of commercial availability.
Y-SPEC 1/89