U.S. Air Force Specifications and Specification Bulletins
Air Force-Navy Aeronautical Bulletins
Cancellation lists and other departmental documents
2.8.2 The three parts are the "Alphabetic" listing (Part I), the
" N u m e r i c " listing (Part II), and the "Federal Supply Classification"
listing (Part III).
2 . 9 Microfiche Edition:
2.9.1 The microfiche edition is imaged on 105 mm film at a 48X
r e d u c t i o n ratio.
2.9.2 Automatic mailing of the microfiche DODISS is available to
private industry on a subscription basis. Subscriptions should be
accompanied by a certified bank check or money order for $13.00,
payable to Treasurer of the United States, and addressed to the
Director. Navy Publications and Printing Service Office. 700 Bobbins
Avenue. Philadelphia, PA 19111. T h e subscriber will receive
updated DODISS every two months., Subscriptions cover a period of
one year.
2.10 Printed editions of DODISS may be obtained from the
Superintendent of Documents. Government Printing Office, Washington.
DC 20402. The subscription rate for DODISS Parts I and II is.
$ 4 0 . 0 0 per year ($10.00 additional for foreign mailing). The
subscription rate for DODISS, Part III. is $20.00 per year ($5.00
a d d i t i o n a l for foreign mailing). Each subscription includes both
the basic index (published annually) and the cumulative bimonthly
supplements for those parts under subscription. S u b s c r i p t i o n is
a v a i l a b l e on a yearly basis.
2.11 DODISS Notice: NPFC publishes and distributes a weekly
p u b l i c a t i o n , the "DODISS Notice", containing advance information,
about selected new and revised military and Federal standardization
documents. NPFC distributes one "DODISS Notice" to an address
regardless of the number of different Area Assignment/FSC's
subscribed to.
3.1 Upon award of an A-E Contract, the A-E should review the list
of NAVFAC Guide Specifications in MILITARY BULLETIN P-34, checking
only those documents which will be needed to prepare the
S p e c i f i c a t i o n , and return a listing to the PDE.
PDE will obtain hard copies for the A-E.
3 . 1 . 1 Hard copies:
3 . 1 . 2 D i s k e t t e s : NAVFAC Guide Specifications may be copied on
diskettes from PWC YOKOSUKA's Wang system. A-E's shall provide
their own diskettes and Wang Operator. Arrangements shall be
coordinated with Code 171, telephone (0468) 26-1911 ext SO72 or Code
172.5. telephone (0468) 26-1911 ext 5075.
Y-SPEC 1/89