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complete listing of sections is too voluminous to present in this
document but may be found in the Construction Specifications
Institute (CSI) document MP-2-1, Masterformat-Master List of Section
Titles and Numbers; a partial compatible list of sections may be
found in NAVFAC P-34 under the listing for NAVFAC Guide
Specifications (NFGS) Series (Formerly "TS" Series).
2.2.2 Numbering: A five-digit numbering system is used. The
f i r s t two digits indicate the particular division, and the last
three digits indicate a predesignated unit of work. Occasionally.
due to overcrowding of sections, a decimal number. is added to the
f i v e - d i g i t number to indicate a further breakdown (e.g.. 16910.1).
This decimal number is not usually carried forward to the project
(If section 16910 is not used. delete the decimal
s e c t i o n is divided into three basic parts, "General," "Products,"
and "Execution". Develop additional paragraphs for each part to
meet project requirements. List these paragraphs with their
a p p r o p r i a t e titles in logical sequence.
The following exceptions
3.1 Exceptions to Three-Part Format:
F o r those sections that provide options for either factory
or field fabrication of components and systems, Part 1
would be General and Part 2 would combine Products and
Execution. Examples of this might be sections covering
miscellaneous metal, or mechanical work such as
refrigeration equipment.
For those sections that do not involve any work on the site
by the Contractor. Part 1 would be General and Part 2,
Products. Examples of this could be a section such as Free
Standing Space Dividers; a section covering any work which
is only furnished by the Contractor but installed by the
owner; or a section which refers to some other section for
For those sections that involve labor only, Part 1 would be
General, Part 2, Execution. Examples could be sections on
c l e a r i n g and grubbing or stripping of topsoil.
For those sections that involve only general paragraphs
under Part I - General, the section shall end with the
heading "Part 2 and Part 3: (Not Used),"
3 . 2 Part 1 - General: Covers those general areas of concern
which relate to the work and which define the general administrative
a n d technical requirements specific to a particular section.
Included in General would be Applicable Publications, Definitions,
Y-SPEC 1/89