2.8.1 The A-E must become familiar with the documents he is
r e f e r e n c i n g in order to provide a complete selection basis for the
Contractor. Most of these documents include various grades, styles,
t y p e s . s i z e s , c o l o r s , a n d other classifications. Make suitable
s e l e c t i o n and include the appropriate data. L i s t referenced
documents in the proper order.
a. Generally, the order found in P-34 shall be used. For
Federal documents, i t e m s shall be listed alphabetically first and
then numerically.
M i l i t a r y documents shall be listed numerically.
2 . 8 . 2 Updating: U s e the latest applicable references available.
(For A-E's. t h e latest references will be those available On the
d a t e of their contract award). Source of this updating information
are the current issue of P-34, DODISS and commercial information
s y s t e m s (IHS, IMI, etc). Do not include dates and revision data for
r e f e r e n c e d publications in the body of the section. Keep in mind
t h a t the listing must include all of the publications which have
been referenced within the technical paragraphs of the section and
t h a t the list shall contain only those so referenced. The A-E will_
b e held fully responsible for providing a complete and cross-checked
listing at the 100% stage which complies with these instructions.
3 . 1 O p t i o n s : An option allows the Contractor to choose one of
s e v e r a l different materials, methods, or designs. An option does
not change the scope of the work. T h e right to select an option
r e s t s only with the Contractor. T h e specification shall not require
b i d d e r s to identify the option they intend to select. After the
award of the Contract. the Contracting Officer may require the
C o n t r a c t o r to state the options that he intends to exercise. In
d e s i g n i n g and specifying for options, t h e specification must clearly
i d e n t i f y . i n d i c a t e . and detail each one as if it was the only one
allowed. This shall be done on the drawings as well as in the
s p e c i f i c a t i o n if any of the details between options differ. An
improper way of handling this would be to detail and specify a
masonry wall and then state that the Contractor may choose to
provide a wood frame wall. w i t h o u t indicating details or
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s to cover the other method. In using the "Type or
Guide" S p e c i f i c a t i o n s , i t is particularly important to include the
o p t i o n s stated therein, unless the particular environment makes this
3 . 1 . 1 Specifying Options: A t t e n t i o n is called to a practice of
l i s t i n g several optional materials or methods of performance in the
s p e c i f i c a t i o n s with the concept that each of these will result in
s a t i s f a c t o r y performance. T h e unsuitability of any listed material
o r method may be a specification defect entitling the contractor to
extra performance and delay costs. F o r e x a m p l e :
Y-SPEC 1/89