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Fill the blanks (XXXXXX) as follows:
Note: 1.
( 1 ) Provide 5 - 7 line spaces.
( 2 ) Specification Number.
(3) Construction Contract Number.
(4) Enter "MCON" for UMC project and "O&MN" for special
(5) Special Project Number: special, MCON, or NAF as
indicated in the A-E statement of work.
(6) Work Request Number.
(7) PDE's Code and Name.
(8) Type or stamp the statement on the cover sheet
whenever removal of asbestos contained materials is
i n c l u d e d in the project.
( 9 ) Exact Name of Project.
(10) Activity's name as addressed in the A-E statement of
work, such as "U.S. Naval Supply Depot, Yokosuka,
(11) Prime A-E's name and address as shown on the contract
drawings. such as "Yamada Engineering Co., Ltd., 10-10
10-chome, Honcho, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan.
I f entire specification sections were prepared by the
prime A-E, the heading should be combined to read
(12) Place the names of preparers and signature.  Type firm
name below the preparer's name if consultant was
used.  In addition, the cover sheet shall be signed by
a corporate member of the A-E firm responsible for
s u b m i t t i n g the specifications.
( 1 3 ) Final submittal date.  I f corrections were required on
t h e final submittal, enter the date when the
corrections were submitted to the PDE.
(14) Leave blank.
(15) Leave blank.
( 1 6 ) Provide 10 - 15 line spaces for stamp of program
m a n a g e r officer.
Set the top and bottom margins to 6, the left margin to
10 and the right margin to 70.
Y-SPEC 1/89
(Encl 1 - 2/2)

Western Governors University

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