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Performance Evaluations
The government will prepare A/E performance evaluations for all
design and engineering service contracts.  A/E performance will be
rated as outstanding, highly satisfactory, satisfactory, marginal, or
unsatisfactory when taking into consideration such things as
technical quality, coordination of design documents, maintaining
project schedules, cooperativeness, responsiveness, etc.  Incomplete
submissions, late submissions or resubmissions will have significant
adverse impact on an A/E's performance evaluation.
Design Phase Evaluation
Upon completion of design and engineering services and prior to
construction contract award, the DM will evaluate the A/E performance
on the services rendered.  Standard Form DD 1421, "Performance
Evaluation (Architect-Engineer)", is used for this purpose and is
maintained in the A/E contract file.  The A/E will be notified in
writing of his rating.  If a "marginal" or "unsatisfactory" final
rating is proposed, the A/E will be allowed an opportunity to meet
with appropriate personnel at NORTHDIV to discuss the rating and
possible corrective actions.  The A/E's response to such ratings will
be taken into consideration when finalizing the evaluation.  In cases
where the final evaluation is still "unsatisfactory", the A/E will
not be recommended for future contracts.
Construction Phase Evaluation
Within 90 days after beneficial occupancy of the facilities
constructed, the ROICC will submit an evaluation of the effectiveness
of the A/E, and the A/E prepared contract documents, during
construction.  This evaluation, also on Standard Form DD 1421, is
maintained in the A/E contract file.
Interim Performance Evaluations
Interim performance evaluations may be prepared and used to advise
A/Es of their performance during the execution of a contract as
considered appropriate by the OICC.
Awards for Excellent Performance
A/E firms that perform contract services in an outstanding manner may
be considered for special recognition.  Certificates of Appreciation
are given by the Commanding Officer, Northern Division and
Certificates of Commendation are given by the Commander, Naval
Facilities Engineering Command for exemplary performance in one or
more areas of contract services.  In addition, Design Excellence
Awards are given (after construction is underway) for exemplary
performance in all areas of A/E services.
Affect on Future Selection
All performance evaluations are available to future slate and
selection boards and will be considered when subsequent A/E

Western Governors University

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