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programs.  Some definitive drawings are for typical buildings or structures
and include floor plan arrangements based on Navy space criteria, building
sections or elevations, and utility requirements for general guidance to A/Es
preparing project designs.  Other definitive drawings are for advance designs
where specific control is required to meet standardized functions.  These
drawings include floor plans, equipment layouts, piping diagrams, electrical
schematics, and critical requirements for specific guidance to A/Es preparing
project designs.  Definitive drawings are used in conjunction with DMs, MIL-
HDBKs, P-Pubs, NFGSs and other criteria to develop the project drawings and
Definitive drawings set forth the best combination of functional requirements
and engineering judgment as determined from the experience of NAVFAC and the
cognizant using commands.  While minor modifications may be necessary to meet
specific site requirements,  local conditions, needs of the specific ACTIVITY,
or other requirements of the Appendix "A", major modifications must be fully
supported and cleared through NORTHDIV via the DM.  Elimination of the use of
definitive drawings, or modifications thereto to accommodate or incorporate
personal preferences or limited-experience concepts will not be approved.
Site Adapt Designs
Site adapt designs are project drawings and specifications from a previously
designed project which are modified (site-adapted) to develop drawings and
specifications for another project with similar requirements.  Projects
requiring site adaptation of a previous design will be so noted in the
Appendix "A".
Modular Designs
NAVFAC has developed modular designs for facility types which have the same
detailed functional and physical requirements from activity to activity, but
the sizing and arrangement of the components varies depending on the local
mission.  Modular designs provide detail design alternatives to the various
functional components which are then assembled to provide a complete facility.
They form a basis for concept designs and result in greater savings in the
initial functional design development stage.  Modular designs define the
detail interior architectural, electrical and environmental requirements for
each component.  These requirements are then used to design the mechanical and
utility distribution systems.  Modular designs are usually computer-generated.
Layout plates, modules and associated criteria are maintained in database
files in the Modular Engineering Design System (MEDS), which provides the
conceptual design.  To complete the design, the A/E must still design an
appropriate structural system, HVAC system, central utilities, exterior
treatment, sitework and utilities to adapt the design to the proposed site.
Projects requiring use of the MEDS will be so stipulated in the Appendix "A"
and detailed requirements and instructions for use will be provided by the
OPNAVINSTs are instructions issued by the Chief of Naval Operations covering
Navy operational requirements but which also contain some design guidance
which can be pertinent to an A/E preparing design documents for a project.
BEAPs contain criteria relative to achieving, maintaining and emphasizing a
positive exterior visual environment at an ACTIVITY.  Topics typically covered
in a BEAP include guidance on exterior building materials, trim and/or colors,
building setbacks, exterior circulation (roads, walks and parking),

Western Governors University

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