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of construction.  Include a summary of the criteria upon which the
architectural design will be based.
b)  Documentation of all user and program requirements on which
the design is based (NOTE:  On projects requiring an architectural
programming effort, this documentation shall be included with the
Final Architectural Program submitted with the Schematic Submission
in lieu of being submitted as part of the architectural basis of
design.  See the chapter titled "Other Services").
c)  General description of the proposed architectural design,
including its advantages and suitability for the proposed project.
Discuss logic behind building configuration, number of stories,
height, floor plan layout(s) including circulation and adjacencies,
and selection of materials.  (Limit to 3 typed pages.)
d)  "Architectural Compatibility Brochure" containing the
following (for new facilities and additions):
1)  A narrative briefly introducing the project and design
approach to providing architectural compatibility with appropriate
nearby "permanent category" existing facilities and facilities under
construction.  Identify design elements, details, materials, colors,
circulation, signage, landscaping and site elements which coordinate
with existing facilities and with the requirements of the BEAP, when
applicable.  (Limit to 3 typed pages.)
2)  A minimum of 10 photographic slides of the site and
important visual aspects of the area, including adjacent existing
structures, significant landmarks, design themes, etc., which
influence the proposed building design.
3)  Diagrammatic map of project site, drawn to scale, with
adjacent building/structure outlines, slide numbers and direction of
each slide view clearly shown.
4)  Exterior finish material samples showing texture and
color.  Coordinate names with the notations shown on the
architectural building elevation drawings. (NOTE:  For the submission
to NORTHDIV, include one "colored" print of the building elevations
illustrating choices of colors for exterior finish materials.)
e)  Discussion and sketches of at least two (2) alternate
designs considered (eg., alternate building configurations), listing
the advantages and disadvantages of each, and reasons for selection
of the proposed design.  Include discussions on logical alternative
architectural systems considered (i.e., exterior walls, doors and
windows, partitions, roofs, floors, ceilings, and major finishes),
listing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and reasons for
selection of the proposed systems.  Include preliminary cost
comparisons (initial and life cycle) of various designs and systems
considered and address how the proposed designs and systems comply
with budget limitations.
Design Development Submission
17 -

Western Governors University

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