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b.  Format.  All  reports  must  be  systematically  assembled
a n d m u s t b e s h o r t a n d c o n c i s e ,y e t i n f o r m a t i v e e n o u g h f o r
decision making. VE Reports shall be prepared and submitted on
8-1/2" x 11" bond paper and bound under hardback cover
a p p r o x i m a t e l y  i d e n t i f i e d . Sketches may be 8-1/2" x 11" or
f o l d o u t .  Pages  must  be  sequentially  numbered  in  the  lower  right
h a n d  c o r n e r  t o  f a c i l i t a t e  a s s e m b l y  a n d  q u i c k  r e f e r e n c e .M a r k a l l
VE proposals in the upper right hand corner with appropriate
identification number.
Design-Criteria. The VE Team should examine all
c r i t e r i a ,  including  technical  guidelines,  regulations  and
instructions contained in the scope of work, for the purpose of
identifying  constraints  to  achieving  the required function at the
lowest overall cost. Any recommended criteria modifications,
together  with  the  magnitude  of  savings  therefrom,  should  be
included  in  the  report.  The  criteria  challenge  should  be  well
documented  with  sketches,  cost  data  and  manufacturer's
information  as  necessary  for  clarification.  If  the  analysis  of
criteria results in no recommended changes, a statement to this
effect shall be included.
shall review each VE change proposed by the Value Engineering
Study Team and recommend approval, rejection or modification.
This recommendation shall be in writing and shall be submitted
prior to the Design Development Review Board Meeting. Rejection
shall be accompanied by specific technical reasons for the
rejection. Often, by working in partnership with the VE Team, a
proposal that may appear unfavorable at first can be revised or
supplemented  to  produce  one  that  is  acceptable.
Discussion of the VE Report is one of the agenda items at
the 35% Review Board Meeting or, if desirable, a separate VE
Meeting may be scheduled. In addition to the Design Team, (VE
T e a m Leader and NORTHDIV review team,  i n d i v i d u a l s  r e p r e s e n t i n g
the User and other interested decision making representatives may
be invited to attend. All persons attending should understand
that the VE proposals are viable functional alternatives to be
considered,  discussed and implemented if approved.
11. FINAL, REPORT. A final summation report shall be prepared by
the Design A/E and submitted within 30 days following the review
This report should be in letter format and will state
the final disposition of all proposals. Other cost effective
changes that may have evolved at the VE presentation will also be
incorporated  in  this  report.
This report will be used as the basis for determining the
effectiveness of VE services, and for submitting required reports
to NAVFAC Headquarters.

Western Governors University

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