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![]() (4) Instructions for Maintaining a Log of Corrective Maintenance and
Repair Accomplished - to provide a system of work management
where the accomplishment of corrective maintenance may be recorded,
monitored, and controlled by either hand or computer methods; to include
history of corrective maintenance actions, parts used, time required, etc.
for a given piece of equipment or system.
Section D - User Manual (Red cover)
Division 1
Provide the following data:
Square feet of area for each floor.
Total square feet of floor area for the facility.
Copy of roof information card and membrane patching requirements.
Indicate if crawl space or slab on grade construction.
Denote if facility has a basement and the square feet of such area.
Overall width length and height of the facility.
Beneficial occupancy date.
P r o v i d e legible small scale architectural floor plans.
3. Denote the main connection and cut off points for all utilities on the
s m a l l scale floor plans. The points shall be marked physically in the
f a c i l i t y as a requirement of the construction specifications.
4. List the as built drawings by title and sheet numbers and identify where
the drawings and specifications will be kept on file.
Division 2 thru 16
1. P r o v i d e the as built record of materials (carpets, floor tile, wall
coverings, etc.) used for each applicable section of the construction
specifications. Give a description of the material; name, address and
telephone number of manufacturer and supplier; and where the material was
2. List the do's and don'ts on proper use and care of material/-
equipment/system for the applicable Divisions/Sections.
Section E - Appendix
(1) Inventory of Equipment - a listing of all equipment identifying
nomenclature such as make model, serial number, size, location, etc. for
each item to include physically marking all equipment and systems components
with permanent type tags/labels to include a consecutive identifying number.
Attachment 23A
5 of 7
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