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[Amendment No. ____ to]
Appendix "A"
Code 40__/____
Date (Revised)
3.1  Based on a Basic Contract award date of ________________ [for Project No. _____], the
A/E shall attend the following meetings and provide the government with the following
design submissions and responses on or before the dates indicated:
Basic Contract
A/E Orientation Meeting and/or Spec Briefing
Draft Architectural Program
A/E Response to Arch Program Comments
Schematic Submission
Schematic Submission Comments to A/E
Schematic Presentation
A/E Responses to Schematic Comments/Present.
Design Development Submission
Design Development Presentation
Value Engineering Report to A/E
Design Development Submission Comments to A/E
A/E Responses to Design Development Comments
A/E Responses to Value Engineering Proposals
Design Development Review Board Meeting
Minutes of Design Development Review Board
Mtg. [, including resolution of VE proposals]
[Option I - Final Design]
[Projected Contract Start Date]
Progress Submission
Final Submission
Final Submission Comments to A/E
A/E Response to Final Submission Comments
Final Design Review Meeting
Minutes to Final Design Review Meeting
Submission of Bidding Documents
3.2  [The A/E shall stop work on the project while the [Schematic and] Design Development
submission[s] [are] [is] being reviewed by the government, unless instructed otherwise.]
[The A/E shall continue work on the project[s] while submissions are being reviewed,
unless instructed otherwise.]
4.1  The A/E shall forward all information using the transmittal letters provided in the
A/E Guide.
4.2  Submissions shall be distributed prepaid by [air freight/scheduled flight/bus
courier/mail service as appropriate] [express mail] to the following organizations and in
accordance with the distribution schedule.  [Express mail shall be sent "certified return
receipt requested.]  The A/E shall insure that complete addresses are shown on the
exterior of all letters and parcels:

Western Governors University

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