P-141, Change 4
November 1998
1. To safeguard against worker exposure to
composite sample must be thoroughly mixed
before being analyzed for TCLP. If the test
lead, the A/E designer shall have a Certified
results are below the EPA limit of 5 ppm, the
Lead Inspector perform a Total Lead-Based
construction debris is considered non-
Paint survey on all areas of the project to be
hazardous and can be disposed of at a regular
renovated or disturbed. The survey methods
construction landfill (subtitle D). If the test
shall be in accordance with U.S. Department
results exceed 5 ppm, the construction debris
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
will come under RCRA hazardous waste
Guidelines for Evaluation and Control of
regulations and must be disposed of at an
Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, June
industrial landfill (subtitle C).
1995, and revised in December 1997. XRF
analyzers shall be used to measure the lead
3. Complete documentation of each survey
content of painted surfaces.
analyzer values between 0.4 and 1.2 mg/cm2
and all test results are required along with
are inconclusive and require samples to be
mapping all homogeneous areas and the
submitted for laboratory analysis. The number
locations of all sample points to confirm lead-
of samples to be taken will vary according to
containing paint. Completed forms, field
the conditions, but sufficient samples shall be
notes, photographs, and all other information
taken to assure that all lead-containing paint
including assessments, condition of the paint,
that may be disturbed as part of this project is
and anticipated physical difficulties involved
identified and documented. The sample bags
with any abatement action shall be part of the
or containers shall be sealed and sent to a
survey report. A photographic record may be
laboratory certified by the Environmental Lead
used to determine the validity of the proposed
Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELLAP).
corrective actions if deemed necessary. The
work shall be conducted under a safety and
2. For disposal of lead containing
health plan and in full compliance with all
applicable safety and health, and worker
construction debris in projects including total
protection laws. The survey report shall
or partial demolition, the A/E designer will
include as a minimum the following
also have a Certified Lead Inspector analyze a
representative core sampling for Toxicity
Characteristic Leachate Procedure (TCLP)
a. Name and certification documentation
using EPA SW-846 or equal EPA approved
of Certified Lead Inspector.
procedure. Subsamples should be taken from
b. Qualifications of the laboratory.
walls, windows, floors, ceiling, door frames,
c. Types of test analyses conducted.
and other building components.
subsamples are normally taken by using a 1-
inch drill bit or similar device.) The size of
each subsample will be based on the volume of
that particular building component relative to
the total volume of the anticipated debris. The