DuPont Canada, Inc.
Yemm & Hart
201 South Blair Street
1417 Madison, #308
Whitby, Ontario LlN 5S6
Marquand, MO 63655-9153
Contact: Sales Department
Phone: 573 783-5434
Contact: Mike Irwin
Phone: 800 263-2742 or 416 487-2121
Fax: 573 783-7544
Fax: 905 666-7041
Makes a plastic fencing from 100 percent
Produces Drift Control Fence, a collapsible
postconsumer HDPE, from curbside collection
plastic mesh fence. The fence is colored safety
programs. Thin strips of plastic are extruded and
orange and is sold in a 48-inch by 50-feet roll. It
laid together to form a diagonal, 1-inch diamond
contains 97 percent recovered high-density
pattern. The fencing is sold in 50-foot or lOO-
polyethylene (HDPE) with a minimum of 60
foot rolls. Also used as a safety fence, the
percent postconsumer HDPE. The remaining 3
product is available in safety orange or in other
percent is color concentrate.
custom colors, if the order placed is large
enough to warrant a separate manufacturing run.
EnviroSafe Products, Inc.
81 Winant Place
Staten Island, NY 10309-1311
Contact: Stephen Lerman
Phone: 718 984-7272
Manufactures a snow fence that contains up to
90 percent postconsumer HDPE.