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![]() EPA has not yet been able to resolve the numerous technical issues raised during the
comment period. To do so would have meant a delay in issuance of the final CPG and a
delay in the date on which procuring agencies would be required to begin purchasing the 19
additional items that are being designated at this time. Thus, EPA determined that it would
be best to issue the CPG for those items on which the Agency is ready to proceed and to
defer a final decision on the designation of geotextiles until a future update of the CPG.
EPA will continue to track developments in this area, evaluate the issues raised by
commenters, and maintain a dialog with manufacturers and users of geotextiles. EPA
encourages manufacturers of geotextiles made with recovered materials to keep the Agency
apprised of new products being manufactured with recovered materials, the availability of
recovered polypropylene, and developments in product performance testing.
3. Designation
As explained above, EPA is not designating geotextiles at this time.
E. Cement and Concrete
1. Background
In the CPG, EPA proposed to expand the designation of cement and concrete to
include cement and concrete containing ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBF slag)
(see 59 FR 18872-73, April 20, 1994). Blast furnace slag is a by-product from the
production of iron and steel. Granulated blast furnace slag can be ground and blended with
Portland cement for use in concrete. GGBF slag can replace up to 70 percent of the Portland
cement in some concrete mixtures, but more typically, GGBF slag-Portland cement concrete
mixtures contain 25 percent GGBF slag by weight.
EPA originally considered designating this item in the 1983 cement and concrete
procurement guideline but had determined that GGBF slag was not sufficiently available at
that time on a national scale. In the 1994 proposal, EPA noted that GGBF slag was now
more widely available.
2. Summary of Comments and Agency's Response
EPA received comments from the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA), the
U.S. Bureau of Mines, one steel manufacturer, three industry associations, eight states
individually, and sixteen states and the Province of Ontario through the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).
a. Characterization of blast furnace slag. The Bureau of Mines provided detailed
comments on EPA's characterization of slag production and the capacity available to grind
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