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![]() provides recommendations for the procurement of these items. The 12
items for which EPA is making recommendations are shower and restroom
dividers/partitions, consolidated and reprocessed latex paint for
specified uses, parking stops, channelizers, delineators, flexible
delineators, plastic fencing for specified uses, garden and soaker
hoses, lawn and garden edging, printer ribbons, plastic envelopes, and
pallets. The final RMAN II contains recommended recovered materials
content levels for these items and other purchasing recommendations. In
addition, today's final RMAN II clarifies recommendations for floor
tiles previously made in a May 1, 1995 RMAN (60 FR 21392).
EFFECTIVE DATES: The recommendations for purchasing the 12 newly-
designated items are effective November 13, 1998. The clarifications to
the recommendations for purchasing floor tiles are effective upon
ADDRESSES: The public docket for this notice is Docket F-97-CP2F-FFFFF.
Documents related to today's notice are available for viewing in the
RCRA Information Center (RIC), which is located at U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Crystal Gateway One, 1235 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Ground Floor, Arlington, VA 22202. The RIC is open from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m., Monday through Friday, except for Federal holidays. To review
docket materials, it is recommended that the public make an appointment
by calling (703) 603-9230. The public may copy a maximum of 100 pages
from any regulatory docket at no charge. Additional copies cost $0.15/
page. The index and some supporting materials are available
electronically. See Section V of the "Supplementary Information"
section below for information on accessing the documents
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: General procurement guidelines
information: RCRA Hotline at (800) 424-9346, TDD (800) 553-7672
(hearing impaired) or, in the Washington, DC area at (703) 412-9810 or
TDD (703) 412-3323.
Technical information on individual item recommendations: For paper
and paper products, vehicular products, construction products, non-
paper office products, and pallets: Dana Arnold, (703) 308-7279; for
landscaping products, transportation products, and park and recreation
products: Terry Grist, (703) 308-7257.
Preamble Outline
I. Authority
II. Background
III. Definitions
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