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Heating shall be provided in accordance with MIL-HDBK-1003/3 and as follows:
a) Design for an infiltration rate of two air changes per hour in the OH area. This
rate is dependent upon the installation of nylon brush insulation seals on the hangar sliding
b) A switch activated by opening the hangar doors should override the space
thermostat to stop the heating equipment in the OH area. Provide a minimum temperature
thermostat field set at 1 degree C (34 degrees F) to override the heating deactivation switch
during door-open periods of subfreezing ambient temperatures. After the doors are closed, the
room thermostat should assume control. Heating system recovery time should be 30 minutes
after the doors are closed.
c) A snow-melting system at the hangar door tracks, when sliding hangar doors are
used, should be installed when outside design temperature is -4 degrees C (+25 degrees F) or
lower and historical snow accumulation data supports the requirement.
d) The use of an under floor heating system should be investigated for the OH area
when outside design temperature is below -23 degrees C (-10 degrees F).
e) The automatic thermostatic control shall meet the requirements of MIL-HDBK-
f) Each module in the OH area should be a separate heating zone.
g) See the facility plates for design conditions.
Consider the installation of Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
(NFESC) cold jet destratifiers based on an economic analysis.
System Selection
Special consideration shall be given to the climate of the geographical region concerned when
designing the heating system.
A detailed Life Cycle Cost Analysis and Energy Budget shall be performed to determine the
most suitable mechanical system alternative. Particular attention should be paid to the cost
benefits of a steam verses gas supply system, under-floor heating against over-head radiant
heating or unit heaters, and initial, repair and maintenance costs should also be carefully