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1 JUL 96
From: Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Code 15C)
(a) OPNAVINST 4100.5D, Energy Management
(b) NAVFAC Guide Specification NFGS-16510, Interior Lighting
Encl: (1) NAVFAC Energy Criteria Team Application Guide for Occupant Sensors, dtd
1 Jul 96
1. Purpose. To provide best available current interim technical guidance concerning the use of
occupant sensors for control of lighting systems within buildings. Although these devices have
been in use to turn lights on and off for a number of years, many reports of improper installation
and misapplication have been received. The occupant sensor application guide in enclosure (1)
will assist lighting system designers in selecting the correct sensor technology and the correct
sensor location to assure a successful, energy efficient installation. Please note that these same
devices have also been used to control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems;
however, this application guide will not specifically address control of HVAC systems.
2. Background. Reference (a) requires energy efficiency be taken into account in the design and
acquisition of new facilities and that energy-efficient improvements be included in repair projects.
Reference (a) also requires reducing energy consumption by 30 percent in existing buildings and a
10 percent reduction of energy usage in new buildings compared to those designed in FY 85.
Many lighting retrofit projects have been done at Navy facilities and many more are planned. The
new lighting systems have become very efficient, particularly the combination of electronic
ballasts and T-8 fluorescent lamps. Until new lamps and ballasts are developed, the only way to
achieve greater energy reduction is to turn lights off when the rooms or areas are unoccupied.
Devices used to detect the presence of personnel are called occupant (or occupancy) sensors.
These sensors and the high-efficiency lighting systems described above are specified in reference
(b). Occupant sensors have been used in Defense Department projects, as well as in commercial
buildings, for many years, but not without some problems. The problems related to occupant
sensors include:
a. incorrect sensor technology for the application,
b. improper location for effective personnel detection, and
c. failure to set turn-off time to appropriate value.