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Appendix A
MIL-HDBK-1025/6 GENERAL CRITERIA FOR WATERFRONT CONSTRUCTION Untreated timber piles shall not be used in salt or brackish water where they will be
exposed to marine borers except for the following: (1) untreated fender piles where an analysis of
pile replacement or maintenance records clearly demonstrates that such use is justified, or (2)
plastic coated or wrapped piling as specified in NCEL TN-1811, Plastic Coatings and Wraps for
New Timber Piling. Special care in the handling and driving of plastic-covered piles is necessary to avoid
damaging the plastic protection. Periodic inspections and immediate repairs of any plastic tears or
abrasions is imperative since any exposure of untreated wood will likely result in rapid borer
damage. Cutoff pile tops must be kept permanently dry or protected in the same manner as
treated timber piling. No other field cuts including bolt holes are allowed.
2.2.2 Treated Timber Piles Preservative Treatment. Treated marine piling shall conform to current American Wood
Preservers' Association (AWPA) Standards C 1, C3, and C 18 that specify proper wood species,
acceptable preservatives and minimum preservative retentions and penetrations. Treatment
choices are (1) creosote or creosote-coal tar solution, (2) arsenical salts (ACA, ACZA, or CCA),
or (3) dual treatment. In those areas where Teredo and pholad are present and Limnoria
tripunctata is absent, creosote will provide adequate protection. In those areas where Teredo and
L. tripunctata attack is expected and pholad attack is not, either dual treatment or an arsenical
salt is recommended. In those areas where Sphaeroma terebrans is present or where L
tripunctata and pholad attack are expected, dual treatment is recommended. The attached map
(from AWPA Standard C3) provides general guidance on the location of marine borers. Consult
the nearest NAVFAC EFD Applied Biologist or other knowledgeable person for site-specific
information on marine borers. Refer to para. 5.9 for properties of treated wood. Records. Include in the pile driving log the wood species, preservative type, retention,
and producer of installed treated piles. Environmental Considerations. Consult with your environmental office for possible local
regulations that restrict the use of treated wood in aquatic environments. Where a project
involves the installation of a large volume of treated wood in an area of low water volume and
limited flushing action or where there is any reason for environmental concern, a site specific
environmental risk assessment may be advisable. Treated wood should be visually inspected