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MIL-HDBK-232A  Wiretapping.  All telephone conversations are potentially subject to
interception.  The path followed by telephone lines often presents several
terminations where conventional wiretapping is possible.  Also, the increased
use of microwave links readily provides a means for hostile agents to
intercept telephone conversations without detection.  A conventional wiretap
approach is virtually undetectable without physically examining the entire
wire path, an impossibility in today's environment.  Due to the high
probability of intercept, classified discussions are prohibited over
telephone systems which are not protected by authorized encryption
techniques.  This restriction applies also to the discussion of classified
information over telecommunications systems where such systems are integrated
into the facility's telephone equipment, even if all stations are within the
secure perimeter.  Compromising emanations.  Telephone lines may carry machine
emanations from nearby equipment that processes classified information to
uncontrolled areas.  Appropriate countermeasures to address this threat fall
within the purview of the TEMPEST program.  Microphonic coupling.  Telephones may be used as part of a
clandestine eavesdropping system even while on-hook (hung-up).  Telephones in
the on-book condition are found to frequently pass room conversations
occurring in the vicinity of the instrument to unprotected areas.  This may
be the result of accidental or intended modification, or because of a design
characteristic of the telephone instrument or its associated equipment.
5.8.3  Installation criteria.  The installation of telephones within
sensitive discussion areas should be in accordance with the following
criteria (see figure 51) for cable/wire control, isolation, handsets, and

Western Governors University

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