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Serious skin injury can occur at high power levels in the near infrared and visible regions. The skin becomes
increasingly sensitive in the ultraviolet region. Energy at these wavelengths penetrates deeply and can cause
severe burns. In the near infrared range, the skin becomes relatively transparent, making the internal organs
particularly susceptible.
X-rays are generated when electrons are accelerated to
a sufficiently high velocity before colliding with an
appropriate target. In addition to being produced by
specifically designed equipment, X-rays can also be
produced by high-voltage (> 15 kV) tubes used for other
applications. It is important that all sources of X-ray
radiation in equipments be identified and shielded so that
they will not present a personnel hazard.
The maximum safe exposure to X-ray radiation is considered to be 100 milli-Roentgens per week (9-6). Based
on a 40-hour work week, this limit translates into a maximum hourly rate of exposure of 2.5 milli-Roentgens
per hour.
9-1. C. F. Dalziel, "Electric Shock Hazard," IEEE Spectrum, Vol 9, No. 2, February 1972, pp 41-50.
9-2. "Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment," MIL-STD-454J, 30 June 1985.
9-3. "Leakage Current for Appliances," C101.1-1973, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway,
New York NY 10018.
9-4. Dept of Defense Instruction 6055.11, 20 August 1986, "Protection of DOD Personnel from Exposure to
Radio Frequency Radiation."
9-5. Marce Eleccion, "Laser Hazards," IEEE Spectrum, Vol 10, No. 8, August 1973, pp 32-38.
9-6. Dept of Defense Instruction 6055.8, 3 January 1983, "Occupational Radiation Protection Program."

Western Governors University

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