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APPENDIX D (Continued)
Compton electrons, I: 10-1 to 10-3
Concrete enclosed electrodes, I: 2-62
Conductive coupling, I: 6-5, 6-19
Conductor length criteria, ground, II: 1-57
Conductor parameters, I: 3-17, 5-1
ac resistance, I: 5-5
dc resistance, I: 5-1
proximity effects, I: 5-10
reactance, I: 5-7
also see inductance and skin effect
Conductor routing, see cable routing
Conductor selection, grounding, I: 5-1 to 5-19; II: 1-107
I-beams, I: 5-15
rectangular bars, I: 5-13
stranded cables, I: 5-13
tubular (pipes), I: 5-13
Conduit, I: 8-60; II: 1-56, 1-74, 1-75, 1-103, 1-149, 1-159
as a shield, I: 8-60; II: 1-159
grounding of, II: 1-56, 1-75, 1-103
Cone of protection, I: 3-11; II: 1-27 to 1-33
definition of, I: 3-13
example of, I: 3-13; II: 1-28
means of determining, II: 1-28, 1-30 to 1-33
Connectors, I: 8-59; II: 1-173, 3-13, 3-20, 3-49
bonding of, II: 1-173, 3-13, 3-20, 3-49
shields, I: 8-59
Contaminants, bond, I: 7-7; II: 1-142
removal of, I: 7-25; II: 1-142