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1.4.6 Data Collection.  Since industry practices for obtaining and
recording underwater data vary, the collection of data is standardized as
much as possible.  A full set of updated drawings of the facilities and
other necessary data is required by the inspection team.  These include pile
plan layouts and cross sections of typical bents. Throughout the
inspection, notes are taken of all observations by the EIC as well as by the
inspecting team.  The inspectors maintain a daily log of the inspection
d e t a i l s .  The log clearly documents the exact location of all observations
minimally showing relative elevation along the pile, water depth relative to
MLW, and location of each pile on the pier as well as all measurement data.
Specific test and measurement data are recorded manually in formats which
are standardized for easy input to a computer data base system for the
underwater inspection program.
The statements-of-work for inspections include standard data recording
sheets and coding directions which enable inspectors to record a summary of
the inspection results in a form directly transferable into the computer
data base.  Data base summaries are required for evaluations of waterfront
facilities to determine readiness to meet fleet requirements.
The data base system will enable the following types of summaries to be
rapidly executed and updated.
Facility data categorized by:
1.  EFD, major claimant or-activity
Type material(s) or construction
3.  Age
4.  Geographic location
S e t p r i o r i t y , frequency and date of future inspections based
on most recent data.
Plan inspections so as to maximize utilization of available
1.5 REPORTS.  For each inspection performed, a report is prepared. The
report describes the construction and physical condition of each facility
inspected, the inspection procedure followed, structural assessments,
maintenance and repair recommendations, and budget estimates of repair
costs.  Table l-2 is a typical report outline and format. The report
provides sufficient technical detail to support structural assessments and
1.5.1 Plans.  The inspection report will provide significant information
to update the latest facility drawing descriptions. These updates may be
r e q u i r e d t o c o r r e c t f a c i l i t y s i z e , water depth, number of piles, and pile
arrangement.  The pile plans included in the report may be the only accurate
record of the piles supporting a structure.
1.5.2 Assessment.  Specialized inspection reports will provide a general
assessment of conditions and will recommend downgrading, as appropriate,
until recommended complete engineering investigations, structural analysis,
design review, and detailed condition evaluation are conducted.  The

Western Governors University

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