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![]() TM5-683/NAVFAC MO-116/AFJMAN 32-1083
the electrical shop, security guard office, all emer-
preventive maintenance program. It is recom-
gency generating or operating areas, and other loca-
mended to use the Work Information Management
tions as the responsible supervisor deems necessary.
System (WIMS) or other data-automated systems to
Employees should be listed by name, title, official
keep records rather than paperwork files. Suitable
telephone number, home address and home tele-
forms and reports requirements should be devel-
phone number (where permissible). These instruc-
oped to suit local needs. When facilities are built,
tions should emphasize safety under conditions of
instruction documents and spare parts lists for all
stress, power interruptions and similar emergen-
equipment installed should be obtained prior to
beneficial occupancy acceptance.
a. In addition to charts, work orders, and real
1-6. Priority and scheduling.
property records, the following records have been
In regard to the support of the installed physical
found useful in analysis and correction of recurring
facilities, it is the policy of the Military Depart-
trouble areas.
ments that, in order of priority, maintenance should
(1) Diagrams. Accurate single-line and sche-
be second only to operations. It must be systematic
matic diagrams of the distribution system should be
and timely. Subsequent sections in this document
readily accessible in the electrical shop. These are
provide generaI suggestions on service frequencies
essential references when switching circuits and re-
and procedures. Although these proposed actions
routing electric power in emergencies. Such dia-
and frequencies may appear to be excessive, these
grams also provide a simple means of locating facil-
suggestions are based upon experience and equip-
ities and determining the characteristics of electric
ment manufacturers' recommendations. They are
supply to buildings requiring maintenance. Electri-
not intended to supersede instructions that electri-
cal personnel must have access to latest "as-built"
cal manufacturers normally provide. Every realistic
building drawings for use in tracing out circuitry
effort should be made to adhere to these suggestions
within buildings.
considering existing manpower levels and available
(2) Equipment lists/logs. These lists should be
test equipment. It is generally good practice to in-
maintained on all items of equipment such as mo-
spect equipment three to six months after it is first
tors, motor controllers, meters, panelboards, electri-
put into service and then to inspect and maintain it
cal controls, and switchgear. Lists should reflect
every one to three years, depending on its service
detailed information such as the density of all like
and operating conditions. Conditions that make fre-
items, i t e m ratings and physical locations.
quent maintenance and inspection necessary are:
Lists/logs will facilitate scheduling of inspections
a. High humidity and high ambient temperature.
and maintenance services.
b. Corrosive atmosphere.
(3) Equipment maintenance records. These
records should be maintained on every individual
c. Excessive dust and dirt.
item of electrical equipment that requires mainte-
d. High repetitive duty.
nance services. Records should include detailed in-
e. Frequent fault interruption.
formation such as scheduled maintenance and in-
f. Older equipment.
spection requirements, previous test results,
1-7. Hazards.
maintenance repairs performed and any other re-
lated information that would facilitate analyzing
Material specifications, construction criteria, instal-
the equipment performance. Maintenance records
lation standards, and safe working procedures
should be retained on file for as long as needed to
should be applied to minimize hazards. All work
allow collection of sufficient data to perform the
should be performed by qualified electricians and
equipment performance analyses. By observing the
conform to the latest accepted procedures and stan-
equipment performance, downward trends can be
identified and problem areas corrected before major
a. Building electrical systems. Fire and safety
breakdowns occur.
hazards in building electrical systems often result
(4) Emergency operating instructions. Emer-
from tampering by unqualified personnel. Probably
gency operation of electrical facilities is safer and
the greatest example of tampering is the unautho-
quicker when instructions are prepared and posted
rized changing or replacing of fuses. Careful obser-
in advance. There should be instructions for each
vation by maintenance personnel is needed to con-
general type of anticipated emergency, stating what
trol excessive use of items such as extension cords,
each employee in the electrical section should do,
heaters, air conditioners, and improper grounding
setting up alternatives for key personnel, and estab-
which cause overloading of the wiring system.
lishing follow-up procedures for use after an emer-
Whenever possible, installation of additional recep-
gency has passed. Instructions should be posted in
tacles is preferable to the use of extension cords.
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