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![]() TM 5-683/NAVFAC MO-116/AFJMAN 32-1083
and dirt, and replacement of contacts as required.
10-1. Other systems.
As a minimum, a monthly load test of thirty minute
Previous chapters have outlined methods for servic-
duration shall be conducted on an emergency power
ing electrical system components such as switch-
system. Backup power should be tested at full criti-
gear, transformers, rotating equipment, etc. These
cal emergency load. If it is impossible to test at full
are the major areas in which real property electrical
load, then the test load capacity shall not be less
shops are involved. There are, however, many other
than 50 percent of the total connected critical emer-
interior systems which merit some mention. De-
gency load. The test should include a complete cold
tailed operation and maintenance data on these sys-
start of the generator. Consideration should also be
tems are difficult to develop due to the wide variety
given to more stringent conditions as recommended
of types of interior systems and the uniqueness of
by the individual energy converter manufacturer. At
each system. It is, therefore, suggested that all
the time of emergency power system load testing,
manufacturer's publications for a particular system
all transfer switches and emergency system circuit
be obtained and all recommended maintenance and
breakers shall be exercised. The routine mainte-
troubleshooting practices be followed.
nance and operational testing program shall be
overseen by a properly instructed individual.
10-2. Emergency and stand-by systems.
10-3. Signal systems.
The function of an emergency power system is to
provide a source of electrical power of required ca-
Signal systems include nurses' call systems, paging
systems, buzzers, intercommunication sets and
pacity reliability, and quality for a given length of
similar devices. For the most part, these do not
time to loads within a specified time after loss or
require servicing at regular intervals. Generally, it
failure of the normal supply. The continued reliabil-
is sufficient to clean the equipment occasionally and
ity and integrity of this power system is dependent
perform repair after some trouble is indicated. Local
upon an established program of routine mainte-
evaluation will be used in determining servicing
nance and operational testing. This program shall
be based upon manufacturer's recommendations,
instruction books, and the minimum requirements
10-4. Detection systems.
presented in this section. Instruction books pro-
There are many types of intrusion and fire detection
tided by the manufacturer shall contain: a detailed
systems in use at military installations. All require
explanation of the operation of the system; instruc-
frequent tests and checks, in some instances as of-
tions for routine maintenance; detailed instructions
ten as once a day. The emphasis is on operational
for repair of the components of the system; pictorial
tests to ensure the continued functionability of the
parts list and part numbers; and, pictorial and sche-
designed system, rather than on routine mainte-
matic electrical drawings of wiring systems, includ-
nance of component parts. Spare parts such as re-
ing operating and safety devices, control panels,
lays, contacts, batteries, transistors, pilot lamps
instrumentation and annunciators.
and detectors should be stocked for fast replace-
a. Special tools and testing devices required for
ment. Further information is available from publi-
routine maintenance shall be available for use when
cations listed in appendix A. In all cases, the manu-
needed. Spare parts shall be stocked as recom-
facturer's instructions should be carefulIy followed.
mended by the manufacturer. A written record of
Detection alarm systems are generally composed of
inspections, tests, exercising, operation, and repair
very rugged and reliable components. Little repair
of an emergency power system shall be maintained
work is required other then replacement of expend-
on the premise. This record shall include: date of
able parts and maintenance generally involves the
the maintenance report; identification of the servic-
ing personnel; and, notification of any unsatisfac-
cleaning of alarm system sensors, such as smoke
tory conditions and corrective actions taken, includ-
detectors. Because most systems appear compli-
ing parts replacement.
cated and highly sophisticated at first, the tendency
b. Transfer switches shall be subjected to a
is to turn over the maintenance to a service com-
maintenance program to include tightening connec-
pany. In actuality, the systems are much less com-
tions, inspection or testing for evidence of overheat-
plicated and most electrical servicemen can master
the work with brief training. Electrical shops nor-
ing and excessive contact erosion, removal of dust
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