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![]() TM 5-683/NAVFAC MO-116/AFJMAN 32-1083
Figure 13-2. Set-up for measuring resistance.
various fuse sizes. The blade-fuse type is screwed
not affect the current reading. When taking current
onto the fuse holder in the switch box. The clamp-on
readings, try to arrange conductors so that they are
ammeter function should not be used on pulsating
as far removed as possible from the conductor-under
dc because it will give erroneous readings.
test. If testing is being done in a control panel, try to
b. Accessories. A clamp-on range extender per-
take the current readings at a location remote from
mits the measurement of high currents beyond the
relay magnet coils which could influence the accu-
range of the clamp-on volt-ammeter. The unit ex-
racy of the reading. Also, avoid taking current read-
tends the current range ten times and allows an
ings on conductors at a point close to a transformer.
actual current reading of 1000 amps AC on the
Where a conductor is inaccessible at 600 volts or
0-100A meter scale. A current multiplier permits
below, for instance in conduit or cable troughs, cur-
current measurement on low-current equipment.
rent can still be measured by using a current
adapter in the fused disconnect switch. The
The device multiplies the load current by lx, 5x or
10x. A phase sequence indicating attachment is
cartridge-fuse type has three sets of adapters for
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