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4.2.1 Hoistway Doors
Figures 4-3 and 4-4 show various dumbwaiter hoistway door arrangements with description
and component names which will be used in this section. Open and close each manually opened
hoistway door, examine each, including any hand-operated latches, and note any broken glass
panels in the doors or any structural defects in the frames. Where vision panels are provided,
note the type of glass used in the panel and whether it is securely in place. Try to open the door
by pulling on it, and also by lifting it without touching the lock or latch. The door should not
open. If it can be opened, the lock or latch is defective, or the door has sagged so that the lock or
latch is not engaging properly. on installations equipped with fully automatic, or semi-automatic
doors or gates, note whether they are opening and closing in their intended manner and that
operation is smooth and quiet. The operating mechanism of such devices should be inspected for
wear and proper adjustment. Hoistway Door Locking Devices. The Code requires all hoistway doors on new
dumbwaiters to be equipped with a hoistway door mechanical lock and electric contact or
hoistway-unit-system hoistway door interlock. The specific use is dependent upon the height of
the bottom of the door above the floor. Inspectors are advised to refer to the list of approved
interlocking devices issued by jurisdictional authorities. Hoistway-Door Interlock. A hoistway-door interlock (See Figure 4-5) is a device
having two related and interdependent functions which are to prevent the operation of the driving
machine by the normal operating device unless the hoistway door is locked in the closed position.
This also prevents the opening of the hoistway door from the landing side unless the car is within
the landing zone and is either stopped or being stopped. Hoistway-Door or Gate Locking Device. A hoistway-door or gate locking device
secures a hoistway door or gate in the closed position and prevents it from being opened from the
landing side except under certain specified conditions. Hoistway-Door Combination Mechanical Lock and Electric Contact. A hoistway-door
combination mechanical lock and electrical contact (See Figure 4-6) is a combination mechanical
and electrical device with two related, but entirely independent functions. They are to prevent
operation of the driving machine by the normal operating device unless the hoistway door is in
the closed position and to lock the hoistway door in the closed position and prevent it from being
opened from the landing side unless the car is within the landing zone.