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Examine the name plates on hoistway door interlocks, or combination mechanical locks and
electrical contacts, and note the data thereon to determine whether they are of a type approved by
the authority having jurisdiction. Examine mechanical connections between the door, door
locking or door closing or operating device and the interlock. Power Operated Car and Hoistway Doors. Where the closing of car and hoistway doors
is controlled by momentary pressure or by automatic means, check the operation. Examine all
hoistway and car door operating motors or engines and cams, their locking and contact devices,
switches or other operating mechanisms located on top of the car or in the hoistway, to determine
whether there are any worn or broken parts, that all adjustments are in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations, securely fastened in place, and that each device is properly
lubricated in accordance with manufacturer's requirements. Hoistway door operators actuated by
magnetic controls should be tested to determine that the car is within the landing zone, or within
the limits of the leveling zone where an automatic leveling device is provided, before the control
causes the door operator to open the hoistway door, and that the car is at rest or substantially
level with the landing before the door is in the fully open position. Inspection of Operating Hardware. Examine the condition of hoistway and car door
tracks and guides to determine that they are securely fastened in place and are lubricated.
Examine hoistway and car door counterweights, if any, to determine that they are properly guided
or boxed, so as to retain the counterweight should the suspension means break. Examine car and
hoistway door suspension members together with their connections, pulleys, and pulley supports.
Hoistway door equipment is subject to heavy accumulation of lint and dust. Constant attention
must be given to these areas by the person performing maintenance to keep up with
housekeeping requirements. It is the inspector's responsibility to check and see that they are kept
clean or shut downs will result.
4.2.2 Car Doors
Figure 4-8 shows a typical dumbwaiter car with component names which will be used in this
chapter. Examine the car door and note any broken, bent or sprung members. operate doors to
determine that they operate freely and that bottom sill-guide tracks or bottom guiding members
are in place, securely fastened, and are not worn enough to permit the doors or gates to come out
of their tracks at any position of their travel. Where a power-closed car door is provided with a
reopening device, it should be tested. In any of these tests where the inspector uses an object to
test the reopening device, it should not be inserted when the door is nearing its fully closed
position. Actuate the device while the doors are being closed and note whether car and hoistway
doors stop and reopen.