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![]() Many cars have been seriously overloaded resulting in the fracture of sling members or other
damage. Distorted or straightened members, blistered paint, exuded rust from between members
or around bolts or rivets, and oil bubbles on members, may all be clues to a cracked or fractured
member. Where examination reveals the possibility of a fracture, a complete check should be
4.2.19 Car And Counterweight Bottom Guide Shoes
Examine the car and counterweight guiding members and their fastenings to determine that
they are properly secured, aligned, and adjusted, and that they are not worn excessively.
4.2.20 Car And Counterweight Safety Parts
Determine that all moving parts of the safety are lubricated, not corroded, free to operate, and
that under ordinary operating conditions, the clearance between the guide rail and each rail
gripping face of the safety parts is correct.
4.3.1. Wire Rope Inspection General. Most dumbwaiters in use in Naval facilities are suspended by wire rope.
Therefore, we will cover the wire rope inspection. If chain is used, consult the dumbwaiter
manufacturer for recommended inspection procedures. For all dumbwaiters, the hoisting ropes
must be examined from the machinery space or sheave space or from the hoistway entrances
because they cannot ride the car top. It should be noted that it is not possible to describe the
inspection procedure for every single type of wire rope installation nor to outline every detail of
the inspection procedure. The inspector should use his best judgement in making the inspection
and in selecting his location from which a proper examination of the rope can best be made.
Figures 4-10 thru 4-13 are provided to show the various roping arrangements which may be
encountered. Inspection. Internal breakage of wire ropes is difficult to detect, and consequently, may
be a greater hazard than surface wear. The surface of the rope may show little or no wear, but if
the rope is bent over a short radius, the individual wires will snap and in extreme cases the rope
may be broken by hand. Such failures are more likely to occur where the ropes are lightly loaded
and the ratio of sheave diameter to rope diameter is small. The lengths of all wire ropes in a set
of suspension ropes, and consequently the rope tensions, should be substantially equal if
maximum rope lift and efficiency are to be obtained.
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