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the lift. In-Floor Tow Chain Conveyor Lift. Carts are propelled along the floor by a powered tow
chain engaged by a pin on the cart through a continuous slot in the floor. (See.Figure 5-4). At the
entrance to the lift, the cart is released from the floor tow chain and a signalling device calls the
lift. The lift doors open and a transfer mechanism in the floor of the lift extends to engage the
pin on the cart and pulls the cart into the lift where it is engaged with a lift tow chain. Ejection is
in the reverse order through a rear lift entrance. The cart is then picked up by the floor tow chain
and moved to its destination. Pallet Lift. Loaded or empty pallets are automatically loaded onto the lift by the use of a
powered roller conveyor or conveyors at the landing and powered roller conveyor on the lift. (See
Figure 5-5). The landing conveyor may be an indexing type where a number of pallets are rolled
one at a time into position in front of the lift; the lift automatically opens its doors, and both the
last section of the floor conveyor and the first section of the lift conveyor are actuated. When the
pallet reached a fixed position on the lift, the doors close, the lift travels, and the conveyor
operates at the destination to transfer the pallets onto a receiving floor conveyor or conveyors
which may be powered or nonpowered. They may be arranged to carry more than one pallet at a
time. Robot Vehicle Lift. A self-propelled cart is used to carry a load and/or pull a trailer
carrying a load. (See Figure 5-6). The cart moves at about 1 mi/hr following a guide path on or
in the floor. The cart is equipped with a designation coding device which will signal an elevator
or lift, wait, and move onto the elevator or lift when it arrives. Further signals will indicate the
designation and initiate door closing. Variations have included a single cart operating onto a
passenger type elevator shared with pedestrians and equipped for self-propelled cart operation
and freight type elevators accommodating a self-propelled tractor pulling a number of loaded
5.1.3 Performance Criteria
As was stated previously, the purpose of this type of inspection is to review the entire lift
installation, to include measuring the operation of specific elements of the lift system against
standards which have been established by engineering practice common to the lift industry.

Western Governors University

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