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The components of the system selected for testing are those most directly related to safe
operation of the lift and the overall installation, although some items, such as speed of the lift and
door open and close times are related to the efficiency of the operation and grade of service
provided. Maintaining design performance in these systems is even more critical than
associated with previously described systems. These units are quite often an integral part of a
distribution system where-the entire system is programmed to function as a unit to accomplish a
common purpose. If the lift functions are not operating at design values, then the whole system
is in trouble. The following is an explanation of the areas that should be tested and criteria to use
for evaluating this performance. Lift Speed. Lift operating speed is measured with a tachometer (or stop watch) while the
lift makes a full run through the hoistway with no load in the car. Operating speed should be
maintained at a level of plus or minus 5% of the rated speed (to be found on the governor rating
plate or the crosshead on the car) under any load condition in both directions of travel. The 5%
figure is reasonable tolerance for most traction lift equipment. However, consideration must be
given to the actual equipment being examined. Door Opening Time. Door opening time is measured from the instant the doors begin to
open until the doors are fully open. Door opening time should be as fast as possible to provide
efficient lift service while providing smooth operation and long equipment life. It is
recommended that door open times be recorded and compared from inspection to inspection to
insure continued performance. Door Closing Time. Door closing time is measured from the instant the doors begin to
close until the doors are fully closed. on elevators that are used at times to transport Robot
Vehicles, the A17.1 Code limits door closing time when the device is used to transport people by
defining the level of kinetic energy generated during the door closing operation. When a lift is
used to transport materials, the closing time can be as fast as possible while providing smooth
operation and long equipment life. It is recommended that door closing time be recorded and
compared from inspection to inspection to measure continued performance. Performance Time (floor to floor times). Performance time is measured from the instant
the doors begin to close on one floor until the lift is stopped level with the next successive floor,
up or down, with the car doors fully open. Calculated reasonable standard times for various
types of elevators are shown in Table 5-1.

Western Governors University

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