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6.2.5 Pit Inspection
Divisions 105 and 205 of the A17.2 Manual describe the various inspections that are made in
the pit. The beginning of section 105 describes various safety precautions that should be
followed when making this part of the inspection. Do not enter wet pits; especially do not enter
wet pits carrying an electric extension light. Sidewalk elevator hoistways and pits are especially
vulnerable to the entry of water through the sidewalk door. Traveling cables and all hoistway
switches and wiring should be of the weatherproof type. Inspectors should carefully examine all
pit and hoistway equipment for rust or deterioration which would result from periodic wetting.
All pits should have means to remove water. (Note: A17.1 prohibits drains connected directly to
sewer lines.) Trash, oil and dirt in the pit are an extreme hazard. Fire potential becomes a great
concern. This not only means on the floor, but it also means on the hoistway equipment which
can be observed from the pit. Be sure all areas are kept clean. The A17.2 Manual gives
complete instruction for properly examining equipment from the pit. These should be followed
very closely.
6.2.6 Periodic Inspection And Tests Scope. The A17.1 Code indicates that sidewalk elevators are subject to routine and
periodic tests (Rule 1010.1). Procedures and methods described in the A17.2 Manual for electric
and hydraulic elevators should be applied when inspecting sidewalk elevators. Testing data
should be specifically documented on the inspectors report that these tests have been performed
and the dates the tests were made. Governor and Safety. Division Ill of the A17.2 Manual covers the annual inspection of
the governor rope system on electric elevators. Division 112 of the A17.2 Manual covers the
annual inspection and test of the car and counterweight safeties on electric elevators. This is a no
load, slow speed test of the safety equipment. Division 113 of the Manual covers the inspection
and testing required every five years. These test are done to exercise the equipment to assure its
proper operation. Normal and Final Limits. Division 116 of the A17.2 Manual covers the annual
operational test of normal and final terminal stopping devices. The limits only receive a
functional test during routine inspections. The annual test requires setting conditions which will
require the limits to operate as they would if conditions warranted. Hydraulic Elevators. Division 210 of the A17.2 Manual describes various operational
tests that are required to be performed on hydraulic elevators. Those included under 210.1 are to
be performed annually, those under 210.2 are every three years and those under 210.3 every five

Western Governors University

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