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Custom Search Sheaves and Sprockets. Check sheaves and sprockets for wear, proper size and secure
fastening. Hoistway. Hoistway should be clean, with no loose fastenings. Visually, check
hoistway walls, the car bottom, and all visible appurtenances for unusual conditions. As
previously noted, travel may not exceed 50 feet, and at least 6" top clearance must be provided.
Clearance is based on a maximum car speed of 30 fpm. If speed exceeds 30 fpm, check the Code
for increase factor. Counterweights. Counterweights, if provided, must run in guide rails, be fastened
securely together and guarded wherever accidental contact might occur. (Openwork must reject a
1/2" diameter ball.) If space below the hoistway is occupied, safety devices must be provided on
counterweights and spring buffers must be provided in the pit. Buffers. If there is no occupied space below the hoistway, buffers may be omitted. If the
pit floor is strong enough to withstand the impact of a car or counterweight descending at rated
speed. Safety Device. All residence elevators are required to have car safety devices. The slack
cable or governor actuated type are allowed. Governor actuated safeties must operate at a
governor tripping speed not exceeding 75 feet per minute. Visually check the safety device for
dirt and corrosion. If there is any question whether the device will operate properly, require a
6.3.6 Periodic Inspection And Tests
The A17.1 Code indicates the residential elevators are subject to routine and periodic tests
(Rule 1010.2). Procedures and methods described in the A17.2 Manual for electric and hydraulic
elevators should be applied when inspecting sidewalk elevators. Testing data should be
specifically documented on the inspector's report that these tests have been performed, as well as
the dates the tests were made.
6.4.1 Introduction
The A17.1 Code, Part XV, covers Special Purpose Personnel Elevators. These are elevators
permanently installed in a wide variety of structures and locations to provide vertical
transportation of authorized personnel and their tools and equipment only. Such elevators are
typically installed in structures such as grain elevators, radio antenna and bridge towers,
underground facilities, dams, power plants, and similar structures where by reason of their

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