Check for evidence of excessive deflection (over 1/4 inch) by observing the rail with car
operating. Note that rails extend from the bottom of hoistway to top sufficiently to prevent guide
shoes from running off the rails.
6.4.4 Outside The Hoistway Inspection Hoistway. Inspection outside the hoistway should verify an adequate hoistway
enclosure. Provisions should provide protection from accidental contact with the moving car or
counterweight (if provided) and prevent entry into the hoistway when the car is away from the
landing. A complete hoistway enclosure is not required, but where provided for safety, it should
be solid or reject a 1" diameter ball. Hoistway Entrance. The full width of each landing opening must be protected to full
height (or 7'-0" whichever is less) by doors or gates. Open work must reject a 1" diameter ball.
Inspection of landing closures should note damage, rust and critical wear in moving parts and
contact points. Open and close each hoistway door or gate with the car at the floor. It should
operate freely; all components should be clean and securely fastened. Try to open each door or
gate with the car away from the floor; it should not open. Try to run the car with each door open;
the car should not run. Operation of the hoistway entrance lock and contact devices is a critical
safety element. Each lock should be carefully examined. It should be securely fastened, cleaned
and aligned so that the contact and lowering mechanisms are properly related. Operation. Actuate controls at each floor. Fixtures should be securely fastened, buttons
should operate freely and controls should call the elevator to the floor if car and hoistway
doors/gates are closed properly.
6.4.5 Machine Room And Machine Spaces Inspection Housekeeping. Machine room and equipment cleanliness is of primary concern with this
type elevator. Location may be remote and used infrequently. Maintenance may be intermittent.
Generally observe the machine room access, lighting, ventilation, cleanliness and guards
preventing accidental contact with moving parts. Any unsafe condition should be noted. Only
material and equipment necessary for elevator operation and maintenance should be stored in the
machine room. Hoist Machine. Inspect the machine and sheave fastenings to make certain they are
secure. Check for wear, gear play and leaking lubricant. Operate the elevator. Check the brake
operation. Inspect brake pads for wear and note that the brake is electrically released and
mechanically applied.