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Enclosures must be supported and braced adequately so that they will not deflect more than 2
inches when a force of 100 pounds is applied to any four square inches. Where an elevated
guideway crosses over any passageway, the underside of the guideway must be enclosed.
6.6.3 Inside The Car Inspection
Division 101 of A17.2 Manual describes the various inspections that are made from inside the
car on traction elevators. These should be followed with the special considerations noted
hereafter. Car Enclosure. (Item 101.1). Tops are not required unless equipment is placed or
installed so that servicing from the top of the car is required. Determine that all car components
are solidly fastened and braced. Collapsible car gates are not allowed. Hinged doors should
only open into the car. Benches and seats are common. The net area inside the car may be
increased as much as 50% over normal passenger elevator area for a given capacity rating to
compensate for permanently located and nonfolding benches or seats. The overall enclosure
should not have loose or missing components or hardware. When something is missing or loose,
total safety is compromised. Where the car sill is more than six feet above guard at any point in
travel and the hoistway enclosure is more than six inches away from the car door anywhere in the
car travel, the car door must have an interlock which prevents opening the door from inside the
car, except when the car is within the leveling zone at any floor. Operating and Control Devices. (Item 301.3). Operation can be automatic or
continuous pressure. All operating and signalling devices should be securely fastened and
operating properly. The signalling devices are important to elevator safety. If the inclined
elevator is open to weather, all exposed fixtures should be of weatherproof type.
6.6.4 Outside The Car Inspection
Division 102 of the A17.2 Manual describes the various inspections that are to be made from
outside the hoistway on traction elevators. Hoistway entrances are the major items that are
examined at this time. Items 100.1 to 100.5, as well as item 103.12 and 103.13, apply to the
hoistway enclosure and doors. These items should be followed, with the special considerations
noted hereafter. Hoistway Access. Inclined elevators, without fully enclosed hoistways, are not required
to have hoistway access switches or parking devices. Means to operate the elevator from outside
the car during inspection, adjustment, maintenance and repair are required. The means for
transferring control to the exterior device may be in the car or at the controller.

Western Governors University

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