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7.3.10 Rolling Shutters
Where rolling shutters are used to protect floor openings, test the operation of the shutter both
manually and automatically (sensing devices should be checked as outlined in Item 117.1a(7),
note 2 of the A17.2 Manual). Check the manual means, such as a hand crank, and determine that
is readily accessible and visible. If power operated, test the operation of the sensitive leading
edge of the shutter to determine that application of a force not exceeding 20 lbs. will stop the
shutter and cause it to reverse for a distance of approximately 6 inches and that following the
removal of the force, the shutter will resume its closing motion until the opening is fully closed
on this test, the initial movement of the shutter should cause the power circuit to the escalator
driving motor and brake to open and stop the escalator and prevent its further operation until the
shutter is fully retracted. The reason that the escalator must be stopped is to prevent the
bunching of people at a closed rolling shutter. With the escalator shut down, people could walk
and not be trapped because the unit was running up. See Figure 7-17 for a typical rolling
shutters application.

Western Governors University

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