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9.4.8 Hoistway Junction Box, Car Junction Box, And Traveling Cables
Hoistway and car junction boxes should be securely fastened with covers in place. Examine
the supporting means of the cable at the hoistway junction box and also the car junction box.
Traveling cables less than 100 ft. in length may be looped around a spool or other supporting
member and securely corded, wired, or taped to prevent loosening or separation of the loop. In
addition, the loop may be secured by clamps or other similar devices. Also see the National
Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, Section 620-41. Table 400.4, Note (6) of the National
Electrical Code requires that traveling cables exceeding 100 ft. between supports have steel
supporting members running through the center of the cable assembly. Examine the steel
supporting member where it is attached to the hoistway and car junction box and determine that
it is securely fastened. The live load on the steel supporting fillers should hang in the direction of
tightening of the supporting bolt or there should be a means of fastening; and the dead end taped
or clamped to the live end. Examine particularly for any evidence of wear or breaks in the steel
supporting fillers, which may damage the insulation of the conductors or cause the traveling
cable to release, causing strain or breakage to the conductors at the terminal lugs. Where a
flexible wire mesh automatic tightening device is used, examine the flexible wire mesh
self-tightening grip to be sure that it is securely fastened to its support at the hoistway or car
junction box. Examine the eye of the grip attached to the supporting member. When a double
eye attachment is used, the eyes should be attached, so that they share the load equally and do not
exceed 15 deg. from the axis of the vertical cable. There are basically the following three types
of flexible wire mesh self-tightening grips: closed type, split-laced type, and split-rod type.
Examine the grip where the eye is attached to the wire mesh section for any visible signs of wear
or breakage. This point is subject to damage because of flexing of cable. It is recommended that
the lower section of the grip be secured to the traveling cable to prevent triggering (total or
partial relaxing of the grip) and culminate in milking of the grip (slight movement of grip on the
outer section of the traveling cable). Examine for damage caused by the securing means. The
triggering of the grip may cause the cable to release, thereby placing strain or breakage on the
individual conductors. Milking of the grip may cause wear to the insulation of traveling cable.
Examine the traveling cables for excessive twists or kinks; damage due to chafing; intertwining
of multiple cables; and clearance from hoistway equipment such as buffers, plungers, brackets,
beams, etc. All electrical wiring needs to be checked. Many times wiring and conduit have
become damaged when working around the car top or hoistway. This must be constantly
inspected to maintain a safe environment.
9.4.9 Installation Of Pipes, Wiring, And Ducts In Hoistway
Check the hoistway for the installation of wiring and ducts not related to hoist equipment.
These are not permitted by Code.

Western Governors University

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